Blue asters and bright, yellow goldenasters were the prevalent flowers on this date.
All species shown here are Florida natives.
All species shown here are Florida natives.
American bluehearts (Buchnera americana, Orobanchaceae)
Glade lobelia (Lobelia glandulosa, Campanulaceae)
Found along both sides of St. Nicholas Rd.
Found along both sides of St. Nicholas Rd.
Leavenworth's tickseed (Coreosis leavenworthii, Asteraceae)
The flower was held against the white limerock road in the background.
The flower was held against the white limerock road in the background.
Maryland goldenaster (Chrysopsis mariana, Asteraceae)
An isolated, large patch of these bright yellow flowers was found near the east side of St. Nicholas Rd, just before it joins Power Line Rd.
Roger Hammer confirmed the identification of this species. The long hairs on the lower stem and leaves distinguishes this species from C. scabella.
An isolated, large patch of these bright yellow flowers was found near the east side of St. Nicholas Rd, just before it joins Power Line Rd.
Roger Hammer confirmed the identification of this species. The long hairs on the lower stem and leaves distinguishes this species from C. scabella.
Elliot's aster (Symphyotrichum elliottii, Asteraceae)
Roger Hammer identified this aster.
Asters were prevalent along Power Line Rd.
Roger Hammer identified this aster.
Asters were prevalent along Power Line Rd.
Groundsel tree; sea myrtle; saltbush (Baccharis halimifolia, Asteraceae)
Absolutely beautiful