Revist of Phoebanthus. Rosemallows in peak bloom. Route: Bee Head Rd, St. Nicholas Rd, Power Line Rd Bluff Rd to Fish Hole Rd, then back to Power Line Rd, St. Nicholas Rd, and Bee Head Rd.
Roundleaf thoroughwort; false horehound (Eupatorium rotundifolium, Asteraceae )
Florida false sunflower (Phoebanthus grandiflorus, Asteraceae)
Florida endemic
Rose-rush (Lygodesmia aphylla, Asteraceae)
Clustered bushmint; musky mint (Hyptis alata, Lamiaceae)
Vanillaleaf (Carphephorus odoratissima, Asteraceae)
Fringed meadowbeauty (Rhexia petiolata, Melastomataceae)
Swamp rosemallow (Hibiscus grandiflorus, Malvaceae)
Scarlet rosemallow (Hibiscus coccineus, Malvaceae)
Marsh gentian; seaside gentian (Eustoma exaltatum, Gentianaceae)
View of St. Johns River Marsh,
looking west from Bluff Rd.
American bluehearts (Buchnera americana, Orobanchaceae)
Beach false foxglove (Agalinus fasciculata, Orobanchaceae)
Partridge pea ( Chamaecrista fasciculata, Fabaceae)
Elliott's yelloweyed grass (Xyris elliottii, Xyridaceae)
American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana, Lamiaceae)
Rosy camphorweed (Pluchea baccharis, Asteraceae)
Helmet skullcap (Scutellaria integrifolia, Lamiaceae)
Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata, Pontederiaceae)
Blackeyed susan (Rudbekia hirta, Asteraceae)
Largeflower rosegentian (Sabatia grandiflora, Gentianaceae)
fewflower mw
Wood sage; Canadian germander (Teucrium canadense, Lamiaceae)
Bulltongue arrowhead (Sagittaria lancifolia, Alismataceae)
Pine-hyacinth (Clematis baldwinii, Ranunculaceae)Florida endemic
Skyflower (Hydrolea corymbosa, Hydroleaceae)
Coastalplain St. John's-wort (Hypericum brachyphyllum, Clusiaceae)
Love vine; devil's gut (Cassytha filiformis, Lauraceae)