Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tosohatchee WMA, January 13, 2013

Found a few new Toso flowers: floating bladderwort, common blue violet, false garlic, and soldier's orchid.

Blackeyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta, Asteraceae)

Smallfruit beggarticks (Bidens mitis, Asteraceae)

Floating bladderwort (Utricularia inflata, Lentibulariaceae)

Found a lot of bladderwort in several ditches near Charlie Lake.

Common blue violet (Viola sororia, Violaceae)

First time I have seen blue violets in Toso.

Crow poison; false garlic (Nothoscordum bivalve, Alliaceae)

First time I have seen this in Toso. Found along east side of St. Nicholas Rd. According to the authorities, the flower has no scent.

Lyreleaf sage (Salvia lyrata, Lamiaceae)

Wooly sunbonnets; pineland daisy (Chaptalia tomentosa, Asteraceae)

Note the distinctive basal leaves.

Stiff sunflower; rayless sunflower (Helianthus radula, Asteraceae)

Another plant with distinctive basal leaves. These had gone to seed.

Soldier's orchid; lawn orchid (Zeuxine strateumatica, Orchidaceae)
Not native

On the west side of Fish Hole Rd, near Power Line Rd.

Thistle seeds

Unidentified yellow flower

Reflections in Charlie Lake