East coast dune sunflower (Helianthus debilis, Asteraceae)
Large patches grow along the ditch banks. We use it as a low-maintenance ground cover around part of our pool deck.
Sandbur (Cenchrus spp., Poaceae)
A large, coarse sandbur; few, long stems ending in burs; possibly Cenchrus gracilis, slender sandbur.
Corkystem passionflower (Passiflora suberosa, Passifloraceae)
This vine grows on our chainlink fence.
Whitemouth dayflower (Commelina erecta, Commelinaceae)
Stems round along the ground. One of the prettiest "weeds." Seeds eaten by doves and songbirds, according to W.K. Taylor.
Dwarf Canadian horseweed (Conyza canadensis var. pusilla, Asteraceae)
Mascarene Island leafflower (Phyllanthus tenellus, Phyllanthaceae)
Not native
This weed pops up in bare places along our roof drip line. A new species for me. Tiny, star-shaped, greenish-white flowers grow along the compound leaves. Native to Africa and the Mascarene Islands. A weed of greenhouses and container ornamentals. W.K.Taylor shows this as belonging to the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. I assume the USF/ISB designation of Phyllanthaceae is the currently accepted family.
Painted leaf, fire-on-the-mountain (Poinsettia cyathophora, Euphorbiaceae)
Also known as wild poinsettia.
Little hogweed (Portulaca oleracea, Portulacaceae)
Not native
Commonly known in the U.S. as purslane or pusley. Can be eaten as a nutritious leaf vegetable. It has a slightly sour and salty taste. Can be used as a salad, stir-fried, or cooked like spinach.
Beggarticks, Spanish needles (Bidens alba, Asteraceae)
The bizarre, spiny insect on the blossom is a plume moth.
Red spiderling, wineflower (Boerhavia diffusa, Nyctaginaceae)
Graceful sandmat (Chamaesyce hypericifolia, Euphorbiaceae)
Hyssopleaf sandmat (Chamaesyce hyssopifolia, Euphorbiaceae)
Tread-softly, finger-rot, stinging nettle (Cnidoscolus stimulosus, Euphorbiaceae)