
Pink purslane (Portulaca pilosa, Portulacaceae)
Thick leaves, hairs in leaf axils.

Showy milkwort (Asemeia violacea, Polygalaceae)
In 2012, the name of this species was changed from Polygala violacea to Asemeia violacea. It has also been known as P. grandiflora.

Partridge pea ( Chamaecrista fasciculata, Fabaceae)
Strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum, Myrtaceae)
Not native
Pitted stripeseed, piriqueta (Piriqueta cistoides, Turneraceae)
Styles 3, stamens 5. Flower buds have a distinctive shape.

Fringed meadowbeauty (Rhexia petiolata, Melastomataceae)
The bottom right-hand photo shows the distinguishing characteristics of this Rhexia: hypanthium glabrous, leaf margins with distinctly ciliate teeth. The similar Nuttall's meadowbeauty (R. Nuttallii) has a hypanthium with gland-tipped trichomes and leaf margins with blunt teeth or teeth with short trichomes.
Rusty staggerbush (Lyonia ferruginea, Ericaceae)
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