
Forked bluecurls (Trichostema dichotomum, Lamiaceae)
This plant grew rapidly and put out the first blooms early in September. The plant blooms early in the morning; by noon the blossoms have all withered away. The bottom photo shows the seeds, resembling tiny eggs in a nest. There are usually 4 seeds in a cup; seeds are about 1 mm in diameter and turn black when mature.

Blue porterweed; joee (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, Verbenaceae)

Turkey tangle fogfruit; capeweed (Phyla nodiflora, Verbenaceae)
This plant is also known as frogfruit.
Hi, I want to try Phyla nodiflora but cannot find a source for live plants. Does anyone know where/how I could get some? Bare root (mail order) is fine...but I'm not good growing from seeds.
ReplyDeleteThanks. FBJ in Savannah, GA
To FBJ in Savannah, GA:
ReplyDeleteI got my live Phyla nodiflora plant from the Conradina Chapter (local) of the Florida Native Plant Society. Contact Vince Lamb: vince@vincelamb.com .
Another possibility is the Hawthorn Hill Native Wildflower and Rare Plant Nursery in Seminole, Florida. Email: huegelc55@aol.com, or call 727-470-9130.