Sunday, March 2, 2014

Turkey Creek Sanctuary, March 2, 2014

The main purpose of this visit was to see if the skyblue lupine were in bloom. They were, but we found only one  small patch.

Showy rattlebox (Crotalaria spectabilis, Fabaceae)
Not native

Shiny blueberry (Vaccinium myrsinites, Ericaceae)

Apalachicola toadflax (Linaria floridana, Plantaginaceae)

Skyblue lupine (Lupinus diffusus, Fabaceae)

The large patches of lupine that we used to see here, seem to have disappeared. We found only this one small patch, growing behind a bench along the trail.

Powder-puff lichen; deer moss (Cladonia evansii)

According to the trail guide, this lichen is endangered by loss of scrub habitat.

Largeflower false rosemary (Conradina grandiflora, Lamiaceae)
Native, Florida endemic, threatened.

Rosary pea (Abrus precaorius, Fabaceae)
Not native

Wild olive; American devilwood (Osmanthus americanus, Oleaceae)

Pignut hickory (Carya glabra, Juglandaceae)

The last photo shows the staminate (male) flowers, or catkins.

Red blanket lichen (Chiodectron sanguineum)

According to the trail guide, this lichen is found on scrub oaks and the deeper the red color, the cleaner the air quality of the surrounding area.

Southern needleleaf (Tillandsia setacea, Bromeliaceae)

Flowering oak

This distant tree appears to be an oak, possibly a live oak, covered with yellowish catkins.

 Rusty staggerbush; rusty lyonia (Lyonia ferruginea, Ericaceae)

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