
Hammock snakeroot (Ageratina jucunda, Asteraceae)
This was a new species for me and this blog. Several snakeroot plants were growing on either side of Beehead Rd, in the shady, wet area shortly after going through the entrance gate.

Smallfruit beggarticks (Bidens mitis, Asteraceae)
This was the most abundant wildflower we found on this visit. Generally, it was in large stands.

Simmonds' aster (Symphyotrichum simmondsii, Asteraceae)
This is a tentative identification of this aster.

Narrowleaf silkgrass (Pityopsis graminifolia, Asteraceae)
We found many large stands of silkgrass.

Glade lobelia (Lobelia glandulosa, Campanulaceae)
I had first noticed this species on an earlier visit to Tosohatchee. This time there were many more in bloom along both sides of St. Nicholas Rd.

Wildflower Scenes
Scenes along St. Nicholas Rd. Upper left— Bidens mitis; upper right— Bidens mitis & Lobelia glandulosa; bottom— Bidens, Lobelia, & Carphephorus paniculatus.

Hairy chaffhead (Carphephorus paniculatus)
This Carphephorus was abundant along St. Nicholas Rd.

This was a strange-looking plant, reminded us of the skeleton of a fish. There were no blossoms visible, so I haven't been able to identify it yet. We found only this one plant.

Celestial lily (Nemastylis floridana, Iridaceae)
Florida endemic, endangered, rare
This was a lucky find! Celestial lily blooms for only a couple of hours before sunset. And we were there when this solitary specimen bloomed! The plant was 5 in. tall, and the blossom was 1.5 in. in diameter. I found only this one plant. This is a new species for this blog and for me.

Catesby's lily (Lilium catesbaei, Liliaceae)
Native, Florida threatened
I didn't expect to see any of these lilies in bloom, but we found one near St. Nicholas Rd. According to W. K. Tayler, it blooms summer and fall. (Mid-November is considered "fall" in Florida!)
"Grass Light"

Leavenworth's tickseed (Coreopsis leavenworthii, Asteraceae)
I've photographed this species many times before, so this time I'm just posting two views from below—both with a spider.

Florida false sunflower (Phoebanthus grandiflorus, Asteraceae)
Native, Florida endemic
We found about a dozen Phoebanthus near the north end of St. Nicholas Rd., both sides. According to Taylor, it blooms spring, summer, and fall, so these were behaving as expected.
Aster stand
We were losing light fast, so we made a quick and short drive east on Power Line Rd. There were stands of asters on both sides of the road, but the ones on the shady side photographed best.
that celestial lily is worth the wait, isn't it? what a beauty!