Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Scrub Ridge Trail, October 10, 2010

Mosquitoes galore! Forgot to bring my insect repellant. Whenever I stopped to shoot a wildflower, dozens of mosquitoes landed on me and started biting. Didn't spend a lot of time trying to get perfect shots. (See previous Scrub Ridge Trail post.)

Blazing star, dense gayfeather (Liatris spicata, Asteraceae)

Bracts blunt-tipped, greenish-purple. Heads many, sessile (without stems), tubular. Moist pinelands. Blooms summer, fall.

Blazing star, fewflower gayflower (Liatris pauciflora, Asteraceae)
Flower heads stalked, of about 4 florets located on 1 side of flower stalk. Bracts sharp-tipped. Pinelands. Blooms summer, fall. (Note: USF/ISB does not show this species as found in Brevard County.)

Vanillaleaf (Carphephorus odoratissima, Asteraceae)
Leaves have a vanilla odor, especially when dried. Moist pinelands. Blooms summer, fall, winter. In the  backwoods of North Florida in the early 1900s, my father's impoverished family collected leaves of this plant to sell for use as an artificial vanilla flavoring in pipe and cigarette tobacco.

Chapman's goldenrod (Solidago odora var. chapmanii, Asteraceae)
Flower heads borne along 1 side of the floral branches. Dry, open woods and pinelands. Blooms spring, summer, fall.

Slender flattop goldenrod (Euthamia caroliniana, Asteraceae)
Leaves usually less than 3 mm wide, 1- to 3-veined. Pinelands and disturbed sites. Blooms summer, fall, winter.

Spurred butterfly pea (Centrosema virginianum, Fabaceae)

Pinelands and open clearings. Blooms all year.

Beach false foxglove (Agalinus fasciculata, Orobanchaceae)

Open moist fields and disturbed sites. Blooms summer, fall.

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